『よくわかる経済数学入門講義 <上> 静学分析編』(2018)門川和男 学術研究出版/BookWay ¥2800 -
『例題で学ぶ地域分析の考え方』(2018)門川和男 創成社 ¥3456 -
『日本の産業立地と地域構造』(2017)門川和男 多賀出版 ¥9720 -
K. Kadokawa (2018) Trust and Interdependency in SMEs: A Firm-Level Survey in Japanese Manufacturing, Journal of The Faculty of Political Science and Economics Tokai University, N0. 50
K. Kadokawa (2018) Highway Access and the Critical Distance to an Industrial Location: a Sruvival Analysis, Geojournal, online-first
K. Kadokawa (2017) Social Capital and Regional Specialization in Japan, Journal of The Faculty of Political Science and Economics Tokai University, N0. 49, pp. 73-99
K.. Kadokawa (2013) A Search for an Industrial Cluster in Japanese Manufacturing Sector: Evidence from a Location Survey,GeoJournal, Vol.78(1), pp. 85-101
K. Kadokawa (2012) Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from a Questionnaire Survey in Japanese Manufacturing Sector, Transnational Corporations, UNCTAD, Vol.20(3) pp.1-32
K. Kadokawa (2011) Applicability of Marshall’s Agglomeration Theory to Industrial Clustering in the Japanese Manufacturing Sector: An Exploratory Factor Analysis, Regional Analysis and Policy, Vol.40(3) pp. 160-176
K. Kadokawa (2011) Infrastructure Support and New Plant Formation: A Factor Analysis Approach, Geography and Regional Planning, Vol.4(4) pp.231-242
K. Kadokawa (2011) The Role of Infrastructure Support and Regional Specialization in Japanese Manufacturing Sector,
The Industrial Geographer, Vo1. 8(2) pp. 86-113
J. Esseltzbichlar and K. Kadokawa (2010) The Evolution of Regional Labor Productivities in Japanese Manufacturing, 1968-2004, Regional Studies, Vol.44(9) pp.1189-1205